Cultural Regions
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Population Geography

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Industrial and Commercial Organization

Modern Transportation and Communication Systems

Cities and Neighborhoods

Recreational Resources

Human Impact on the Environment

Cultural Regions

Population Makeup of the State

White  434,534  69.31%

American Indian  98,043  15.64%

Asian  25,116  4%

African American  21,787  3.48%

Pacific Islander  3,308  .53%

Other  9,997  1.60%

Native American

Athabaskans live in the Interior Alaska .  There are eleven linguistic groups of Athabaskans in Alaska.  The Yup'ik and Cup'ik live in southwest Alaska.  They still depend on subsistence by fishing and hunting and gathering.  Many of today's villages were ancient sites that were used as seasonal camps for subsistence.  The Inupiaq live in the North and Northwest areas.  They still are a hunting and gathering society.  Their lives revolve around whale, walrus, seal, polar bear, caribou and fish.  The Aleut live in villages on the Aleutian Island chain and heavily rely on water sources for subsistance.  They were heavily influenced by the Russians and the Orthodox Church is prominent in every village.  Also, Russian words are part of their common vocabulary.

African American

After the Civil War, many African Americans migrated to Alaska and worked as seafarers who worked in the whaling and fur trade.  Then, the discovery of gold in the late 1800s, brought more to the state.  World War 2 brought an influx of African Americans to Alaska as the military began to work on the Alaska Highway and to fortify Alaska.  Since statehood, most of the African Americans in Alaska because of the military.


Recent immigrations of Asians to Alaska have included Filipinos, Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, Laotians, Vietnamese, Thais, Hmongs, and Cambodians.  The largest of these ethnic groups, the Filipinos, have a history in Alaska that dates back to the late 1700s.  The early arrivals were known as "Manilla Men" and they served as crew on exploratory and fur trading vessels.  In recent times, the canneries in Alaska have brought a huge influx of Asians to the state. 


The immigration explosion of the Latino community in Alaska parallels that in Western U.S., making the ethnic group the second largest minority group in the state.


The White population is the majority in Alaska.  Most of the population is of European descent, especially from Russia, Spain, and Scandinavia.  During the Gold Rush, there was an influx of white Americans from the lower 48 states.