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Alaska is not divided into counties as are most of the other states in the country.  Instead the densely populated areas are divided into boroughs, which function in a manner similar to counties.  However, boroughs do not account for the entire land area of the state.  The areas that are not in designated boroughs are known as "unorganized boroughs".  In 1970, the U.S. Census Bureau divided the unorganized areas into census areas. 

There are three different types of divisions: boroughs, census areas, and municipality.  There are currently 15 boroughs including: Aleutians East, Bristol Bay, Denali, Fairbanks North Star, Haines, Juneau City, Kenai Peninsula, Ketchikan Gateway, Kodiak Island, Lake and Peninsula, Matanuska-Susitna, North Slope, Northwest Arctic, Sitka City, and Yakutat City.  There are 11 census areas including: Aleutians West, Bethal, Dillingham, Nome, Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan, Skagway-Hoonah, Angoon, Southeast Fairbanks, Valdez-Cordova, Wade Hampton, Wrangell-Petersburg, and Yukon-Koyukuk.  There is one municipality and it is the city of Anchorage.

City of Anchorage

The city is officially known as the Municipality of Anchorage.  As of 2000, Anchorage's population was at 260,283 making it Alaska's largest city.  The city is comprised of almost half of the state's population.  Located in South Central Alaska, it is situated on a peninsula bordered on the east by the scenic Chugach Mountains and by the upper branches of the Cook inlet, that leaves the city with wide mudflats.  Anchorage is a major port city, receiving 95% of Alaska's freight.

The City of Juneau

Juneau is Alaska's state capital.  The city is located on the Alexander Archipelago and is nestled at the base of Mt. Juneau.  The city has a population of 30,711 and it is the only state capital in the United States where the only access to it is by boat or plane.

City of Fairbanks

Fairbanks has a population of 30,224 in the city and a population of 83,000 for the entire borough.  It is the largest city in the interior region.

City of Ketchikan

Ketchikan has a population of 7,922 and its economy is based primarily on tourism and fishing.  It is known as the "Salmon Capital of the World".  It also has the world's largest collection of standing totem poles.

City of Nome

Nome has a population of 3,505 and it is distinct among the other major cities because half of the population of Nome is comprised of Native peoples.  In most other cities the racial demographics are mostly white with maybe 5 to 15% being Native American.  Nome is also home to the world famous Iditorod Dog Sled Race.

City of Homer

Homer has a population of 3,946.  It is located on Kechemak Bay on the Kenai Peninsula.  It is known as the "Halibut Fishing Capital of the World".